Thursday, June 29, 2006

Dream ...

I had this weird dream last night that I am playing poker with God. At one point, I had royal straight flush on the flop so I raised and God without any hesitation put me all in!
I asked:
- God don't you know everything? don't you know that I will win this hand?
God said while smiling:
- Yes, I know everything. But how much do you think your all is worth?

June 29th

I am in negotiation with those in power to remove June 29th from my calendar. Hopefully, I won't have any June 29th next year. That means I will go directly from 28th to 30th.
So don't call me or leave me any messages on June 29th because I most likely won't get them.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

If you go away ...

If you go away on this summer day
Then you might as well take the sun away
All the birds that flew in the summer sky

But if you stay, I'll make you a day
Like no day has been, or will be again
We'll sail the sun, we'll ride on the rain
We'll talk to the trees and worship the wind.
Then if you go, I'll understand
Leave me just enough love to fill up my hand
If you go away, if you go away, if you go away.

In the memory of my mother ...

Part of the lyrics
Song: "If you go away"
Artist: "Jack Jones"

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Very high resolution photo!!

Here we go!! Traffic jam on the way to Chaalous ...

Monday, June 26, 2006

Break Up ...

Last night, We decided to break up some time next month. We also rehearsed almost everything. We are supposed to go to a fancy restaurant and break up. She was so kind to me and let me start the "it is not you, it is me" routine. The only thing that I am worried about is that she may order just a salad.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Google Earth - Tehran

Finally Google Earth has a sharp image of Tehran. For me who has been away from Iran and especially Tehran for a while, it is going to be a lot of fun. You know, wandering around the city and having a look from above.
Here are snapshots of Sharif University and Enghelab Sq. By the way, take a look at this snapshot of Enghelab Sq. Look how empty it is. I am wondering when they have taken the picture.

And to be honest, I absolutely have no clue why I am putting Sharif and Enghelab photos here. I should look like a total looser!! Anyway, don't blame me for it, just take it easy.

Top Secret Report - No Comment ...

For the full story follow this link.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Life, Girls and Poker

In Texas Hold'em Poker, usually you raise and even re-raise when you have a big pair (two aces, two kings ...) preflop. The funny thing about some girls is that whenever they have a winning hand preflop in life, they raise and re-raise so badly that there will be no wise one left in the game to play with. The funniest of all is that those who don't fold are going to lose and they just don't know it yet.

I am going to Curb My Enthusiasm

I am watching this comedy show "Curb Your Enthusiasm", created and played by Larry David. Larry David is Co-producer and Co-creator of Seinfeld.
Well, it seems that he is telling the story of my life; A life full of misunderstandings by others and misfortunes.
The only difference is that whenever he says:
-Do you watch Seinfeld? I've created it.
I have to say:
-Do you watch Seinfeld? I watch it too.

Anyway, interesting show. Try to watch it sometime.

(photo from

Ronaldo is back ...

Today he scored two goals and is standing by Gerd Muller with 14 World Cup goals as all time leading scorers. (photos from Yahoo!)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Iran, World Cup and ABC News!!!!

I found this story on ABC News talking about security issues in Germany. Here is a part of it:

The elimination of Iran was a relief to World Cup security organizers along with the United States, England and Saudi Arabia, Iran has been receiving extra protection. Saudi Arabia also failed to advance.
ABC News Website

Well, to be honest, the elimination of Iran was a relief to me too!! I don't have to use extra medication to prevent heart attack. For the whole story refer to this link.

Iran - Angula (1 - 1)

Ratatouille (rat . a . too . ee)

Pixar's new movie for summer 2007 is Ratatouille ( You can watch its trailer here. I am already excited about it. Don't blame me if you've not watched the trailer yet.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Monkey Man

Thousands of people are flocking to an impoverished Indian village in eastern West Bengal state to worship a man they believe possesses divine powers because he climbs up trees in seconds, gobbles up bananas and has a "tail." - KOLKATA (Reuters)
For the complete news follow this link.

Batman ...

Well, a guy who dresses up like a bat clearly has issues.

from the movie "Batman Begins"


Sometimes I think it is good to be a man, I don't have to worry about this feminism thing. But don't get me wrong here, I have other serious problems to worry about.


Hilarious ... ! Last year, when I watched its trailer for the first time before watching "The Incredibles" in theater, I thought it would be the first Pixar movie that I wouldn't like. Today I watched it and I am gonna watch it again and again.

If you've not watched it yet, hurry up. It will make your day.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Love and Gravitaion

Falling in love is not at all the most stupid thing that people do -- but gravitation cannot be held responsible for it.

Albert Einstein


Defeat is momentarily

It has nothing to do with Iran in the World Cup ...

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Father's Day

The older I get, the smarter my father seems to get.
Tim Russert

Although, I would like to change the word father to mother in this quote.


Did you know that on average we are distracted every 11 - 12 minutes by something and we spend 20 - 25 minutes on it?
Well, I bet you don't care about it cause you're reading this blog now ...

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Look into the other's eyes, many frustrations
Read between the lines, no words just vibrations
Don't ignore hiddent desires,
Pay attention, you're playing with fire.
Silence must be heard, noise should be observed.
The time has come to learn, that silence must be heard
Or dimonds will burn, friendly cards will turn
Cause silence has the right to be heard.

part of the lyrics ...
Album: "The screen behind the mirror"
Song: "silence must be hear"
Artist: Enigma

Friday, June 16, 2006

World Cup on BBC

Are you following World Cup news? BBC is offering 3D animations of match highlights. Follow this link for highlights on Iran-Mexico game.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Today ...

Today, I ordered a pasta preceded by roasted-pumpkin chowder with sprinkling of celery and onion, finished with creme fraiche and bacon-braised cranberry beans garnished with diced pumpkin, fried sage, and toasted pumpkin seeds.
She just had a salad.

Mature man

Sometimes I hear or see things that force me to confront my principles in life and I have to confess that I hate them. It simply means that I am in trouble or something is wrong in my life. Today, I heard a quote from Wilhelm Stekel, a famous psychologist:

The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.

Since hearing it, I have been thinking about it. I am not even sure whether I agree with him or not. This "Ology" thing is the source of my problems I guess.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Guy Goma was not hired for the IT job ...

It is a while that I want to write something about Guy Goma. But I was busy playing with my Birthday gifts and watching world cup soccer that I lost my enthusiasm. So do me a favor and take a look at this link at Wikipedia. It is funny.
You may want to refer to this link at BBC for the actual interview.

(photo from


Have you ever tried to make a new folder and call it "con" in Windows?
God! thank you for creating this world without reserved words. Assume that you couldn't name your child "Amir" because it was a reserved keyword. To be honest, When I think more I feel that I like it that way!

(Thanks to Naeim for his comment, I changed this post a little bit ... )


Have you ever been shuffled like a deck of cards? if so, let me know please. I desperately need to know how it feels when you're being shuffled. I have heard that you can't see anywhere for a while. Is that true?

Monday, June 12, 2006

United States - Czeck (0 - 3)

Boy, Ohh Boy!!!
I feel relaxed today. I admit that Iran played an awful soccer yesterday against Mexico, especially during the second half. But believe me those nonsense stuff that the reporter said hurt me even more. They even showed a part of US soccer team's training in the middle of Iran-Mexico match.
But today was fun. Today was real fun ...
By the way, my sympathies to Japanese soccer fans ...

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Iran - Mexico (no comment)

What was keeping me busy? ...

First of all, don't think that I am a Google fan or something like that. I downloaded this "Sketch up" thing and it has been keeping me busy for a while. I just can't stop playing with it. It may cost me a "no credit" in my only course this quarter.
Well, to be honest, you may still want to work with "Inventor" for some more professional things but Sketch up is very easy to work with. I did this thing just a couple of hours after working with it for the first time.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Windows Vista

Heyyyyy, Windows Vista (beta version) is out for testing purposes. You can download it through this link. Although, I doubt you want to sit for more than 9 hours in front of your computer to download new Windows and blow your computer off ...
But take a minute and review its features, you can find them here.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Google Spreadsheets

Did you know about this Google Spreadsheets? Well, don't get too happy because you can't use it yet. But you can follow this link, have a sneak peek and put your name on the sign up waiting list which is on a first come first serve base.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Introducing Mr. Ramkal and his wife

(photo taken by me, Feb. 28, 2006)

I think I agree with president bush; Immigrants should learn English.

Two Rainbows

I took this photo a while ago with my cell phone camera.
If you take a closer look you can see that there are two rainbows in the sky at the same time.
Cool, isn't it?

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Whatever ...

I hate this "whatever" thing.
Imaging yourself talking to a friend and complaining about a problem. After a long long conversation, you use this magic word. You use it as though it is going to put an end to everything, heal your heart, eliminate your problem. But, after saying it, the "whatever" is gone and nothing has changed. You still want to talk about your problem and your friend is looking for a way to excuse herself.
I hate this "whatever" word.


My friend says that I have to start studying some kind of "ology" thing; Sociology, physiology, psychology, ...
Apparently I am not a "ing" type of guy.


Have you ever been to Borders in University Ave., Palo Alto? (If not please do me a favore and use your imagination power!!)
There is an information desk with two very old-fashion monitors on it. You know what I am talking about, two big, huge, spacy white montiors. There is a Post-it on each of them saying:

"Don't forget to use the mouse, it is not a touch screen monitor"